How do standards add value to your organisation?
A standard is an agreed-upon method of doing something, developed by experts and individuals with experience or expertise in a given field, such as manufacturers, sellers, buyers, customers, trade associations, users, or regulators.
By providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to follow best practices for your processes, products, and services, standards can help your business save time, cut costs, and become more competitive. Industry bodies, research and testing organisations, local and central government officials, as well as consumers and standards users, collaborate to develop standards.
Currently, there are over 60,000 standards in use, and each one is tailored to a particular industry, product, or business. Using this FAQ, you will gain a better understanding of standards, and how your organisation can benefit from adopting one.
As a result of standards, you can:
• Be eligible to bid on larger projects with greater profit margins
• Improve productivity by learning more efficient methods
• Establish your reputation as a "gold standard"
• Provide consistency and reliability to clients and customers
• Improve your goods and services by following best practices
• Engage with the standard to offer training and development opportunities for employees
• Make informed decisions, guided by sector knowledge, to become more innovative
Why is it beneficial for my business to have standards?
The purpose of standards is to guide a best practice approach, whether it's about cleaning lab equipment or stress-testing machinery.
You'll find ways to improve how you do things if you look closely at how you do them. This guide outlines some of the many benefits standards can offer, but there are many others as well:
• Efficiencies and cost savings
• Statutory compliance
• A better risk management system
• High-quality output that is consistent
• A safer and healthier workplace
• Reputation enhancement
• Enhanced competitiveness
• A higher level of productivity and efficiency
• Staff retention is easier
• The opportunity to be creative will be increased
• The ability to maintain business continuity and agility is enhanced.
Before you implement a whole standard, you can start enjoying the benefits of standards by adopting just a few (or even one!) recommendations. In order to remain relevant and up-to-date, standards are constantly evolving.
Does my industry have any relevant standards?
There are many industries and topics covered by standards, which include both specific processes and more general approaches. It is likely that your business is subject to hundreds of standards. There could be standards that relate specifically to goods and services you provide (e.g. improving product quality), to the way you do business (e.g. information security standards for keeping data secure), or to your goals (e.g. reducing waste and saving energy through sustainability standards).
What is the average time it takes for a standard to be adopted?
It depends on the size of your business, the complexity of the standard, and whether you are implementing the standard to gain certification. Implementing a standard can be sped up by dedicating more time and resources.
Do I need standards in my business?
Are there any areas in your business where you could improve? By following protocols, maybe you can improve the efficiency of your production line or your customer service. Temple is always available to assist your business with any challenges it may face.
Does my business have to be completely restructured?
The majority of standards users find that applying the knowledge gained from the standard to the wider organisation is hugely beneficial. You don't have to change how you do things.
It is about improving your existing processes and bringing your operations in line with best practices when you adopt a standard. Examine how you do things carefully and assess - honestly - how well they work for you.
A standard can be adopted in various ways; you can implement parts of it and see benefits in certain areas, or you can implement lots of smaller changes with incremental benefits. There will be a change, but it will be a positive change.
Standard purchases are expensive, right?
There is a difference in cost between each standard. When choosing a standard, make sure it meets your needs before purchasing. The benefits of standards include improved processes, greater efficiency at every level, and time savings.
Standards give you access to expert knowledge and guidance at a fraction of the cost of external consultants.
Is it necessary to involve many people within my business when implementing standards
Engaging all members of your team in the adoption process will increase buy-in and enthusiasm, making implementation easier through a collaborative approach.
Establishing working groups, defining responsibilities, and involving staff in the adoption process provides employees with the opportunity to gain valuable skills, as well as simplifying implementation.
Am I required to get accredited?
It's not necessary if you don't want to. Many businesses adopt some of the best practices outlined in the standard instead of pursuing certification.
Businesses seek certification to demonstrate their expertise and commitment to health and safety, sustainability, and environmental protection, as well as training and quality. It is also important to remember that a certification is a real advantage when it comes to working with new clients, and tendering for projects.
When I become accredited, what happens?
It may seem as if certification is the end of a standard's benefits for a business, but it is not. Because standards are constantly evolving, their benefits are always increasing, so organisations benefit long after certification is complete.