Health and safety at work. Summary statistics for Great Britain 2024
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published its annual statistics on work-related ill health and workplace injuries. Download the latest research on the Temple website.
BS 9991: A comprehensive update to the UK’s essential fire safety standard
Due to publish soon, the latest revision of BS 9991 - the UK's key fire safety standard for residential buildings - represents a critical advancement in fire safety regulation.
Join us for the CQI Birmingham Branch AGM
Join us for a festive evening of connection, celebration, and community at the CQI Birmingham Branch AGM. This will be followed by our annual Christmas Social!
Temple join Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day
Our next charity event will be a Christmas Jumper Day in support of Save the Children on Thursday 12 December.
Overcoming Remote Working Challenges and Ensuring ISO 27001 Compliance - Download
The CQI Birmingham Branch recently hosted a highly informative webinar titled "Overcoming the Challenges of Remote Working". The online event provided valuable insights into managing remote teams effectively while ensuring compliance with ISO 27001 standards and was delivered by Ian Hughes from MyQuickCloud and Alex Mullett from Mullett Solutions.
World Quality Week celebration Centre of Excellence hailed as a success
A celebration of World Quality Week was held by the Chartered Quality Institute, DNV, and Temple Quality Management Systems on 5th November in London.
In the UK, three out of four manufacturing workers are not concerned about automation
Three quarters of manufacturing workers in the UK (73%) are not concerned about their jobs being automated in the future, according to a study undertaken by YouGov and commissioned by global technology company SafetyCulture.
Temple sponsor the CILT West Midlands Annual Conference and Dinner
On the 24th October 2024, Temple QMS were delighted to sponsor the CILT West Midlands Annual Conference and Dinner.
Secure your complimentary place at the Centre of Excellence
This global campaign raises awareness of the quality management profession and focuses on the theme of navigating complexity in today's dynamic business landscape.
An overview of risk management
Bob Hughes CQP FCQI, Director of Temple QMS, highlights how proper risk management enhances the work of the quality profession, outlining the benefits of an effective risk review of a management system.
Drive to support improvement leads to 17 JCB employees gaining quality awards with Temple QMS
Seventeen JCB employees have become members of the Chartered Quality Institute after passing Practitioner Qualifications with Temple QMS.
The UK’s Most Dangerous Jobs – Paying Lower Than Average Wages
Essential UK industries that keep the country moving, can sometimes mean life or death for their workers. So, you would hope the salaries adequately compensate for the risk involved, but new research reveals that is not the case.