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Temple QMS Achieves Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials

The growing threat of cyber-related crime is quickly becoming a major concern for most organisations and business leaders across the globe. 

Temple QMS is delighted to announce that it now holds the Cyber Essentials certification.

Cyber Essentials is backed by the UK Government in collaboration with industry, to promote a standard in cyber security practices across all industries and sectors. Based on five key controls, the scheme is designed to encourage organisations to adopt good security practices to address a number of common threats and minimise risk. An official Assurance Framework has been produced to enable organisations to successful obtain the certification by providing relevant guidance in the steps required to implement the appropriate controls to be compliance with the scheme.

Bob Hughes from Temple QMS said: 

“Temple QMS has always had IT and data security at the forefront of our business. The Cyber Essentials accreditation builds on our recent security advancements within the business and supports our excellent reputation and commitment. Cyber Essentials offers lots of advantages for us and we are pleased to be able to demonstrate to our clients and partners that their data is secure and that Temple QMS is committed to current best practices.”

By correctly implementing the five basic security controls, the Cyber Essentials scheme will help Temple QMS to reduce the impact of many online threats and improve awareness across the organisation.


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