Virtual Classroom Training

Including Remote Audits

+44 (0)121 779 3337

PT202 – Managing process performance

PT202 – Managing process performance

This course provides practical skills development in the management of process operation and delegates will develop the capability of leading teams in the development of management processes and performance measures that indicate the effectiveness of operational processes.

Course Details

PT202 – Managing Process Performance
Practitioner Level
Course duration:  3 Days or 8 weeks by Supported Distance Learning
Recommended prior knowledge: FD106 Introduction to process design

Who is it for?
This course is designed for those who are practising in quality and aspire towards middle management.

Indicative course content:

  • Introduction to process management and the relationship between standardisation, performance management and continual improvement

Roles in process management:

  1. Process management roles
  2. Teams
  3. Behaviours for effective process and performance management

Management techniques and tools to embed standardisation:

  • Managing documentation. Construction and use of SOPs, SPLs, visual aids and workplace organisation (5S)
    Managing risk.
  • Construction and use of risk matrix and mistake proofing
    Managing skills and resources.

Skills and competency matrix
Identification of key measures of process performance:

  • Voice of the customer. Definitions and use of focus groups, face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, interviews and observation

Types of data:

  • qualitative, categorical, ordinal, discrete (or attributes), continuous (or variables) and the benefits/drawbacks of each
    Sampling methods: random, systematic and stratified
    Selecting key measures.
  • Construction and use of CTQ Trees, requirements matrices, operational definition and link to the system level measures of performance against customer and stakeholder requirements
    Defining and analysing the measurement process.
  • Performance of the measurement process with respect to bias, linearity, stability (variation), repeatability and reproducibility

Use of the following tools for displaying/analysing data:

  • Check sheets and data collection forms
  • Run charts
  • Control charts
  • Histograms
  • Capability analysis

Management techniques and tools to monitor performance:

  • Construction and use of visual management boards, description of associated management processes and tiered accountability.
  • Process confirmation

Management techniques and tools to improve performance:

  • Visual management for action planning and execution
  • Visual management to monitor corrective actions
  • Process review
  • Role of audit
  • Benchmarking

This course includes a one-hour multiple choice examination.


This course is certified by CQI and IRCA (the Chartered Quality Institute and the International Register of Certificated Auditors)

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As a registered charity, the CQI is subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), a UK law that gives you certain rights with respect to your personal data that is shared with the Institute.

In order to accurately record the delegates that they are certifying, CQI and IRCA now require that we provide them with your contact details (name, surname and email address).

We have been assured by CQI and IRCA that delegate data will be handled and stored confidentially and securely, and that any marketing communications between CQI and IRCA and you will be limited to the promotion of CQI and IRCA and their qualifications programmes, and that this will be strictly on an opt-in basis. 

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