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Temple QMS complete Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England course

Temple QMS complete Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England course

On the 14th and 15th November 2022, Jaz Tanwar, Operations Director of Temple QMS completed the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England course delivered by Stellar Mind.

Stellar Mind helps companies to nurture a happy, healthy and productive culture, be it in the workplace, education, at home, where mental health and physical health are given the same priority, creating an environment where everyone can flourish.

The team are based in the West Midlands that have worked in various industries for in excess of 50 years, with a wealth of experience as Therapists, coaches, Samaritans Listening Volunteers, NLP Practitioners, clinical hypnotherapists, business owners, bank managers, Directors, project managers, trainers and lecturers.

Jaz Tanwar – Operations Director of Temple QMS said:

“This was a fantastic course and everyone learned so much to be able to support themselves and others when required. In the workplace, healthy and well-motivated employees have a positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of a business. Good mental health at work and good management go hand in hand. The course was excellent, there is so much value in creating a culture that promotes positive mental health, ensuring everyone can talk about how they are feeling.”

Course delegates - Jaz Tanwar

If you would like to find out more about Stella Mind, they have a range of open courses coming up in late 2022 and early 2023:

Online Youth MHFA – 30th November and 1st December

Adult MHFA at Mary Stevens – 5th and 6th December

Online Adult MHFA – 12th and 13th December

Youth MHFA at Mary Stevens – 23rd and 24th January

Adult MHFA at Mary Stevens – 6th and 7th February

Stellar Mind Website


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